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Home > All Categories > Halfmoon Betta > Auction # 3102152037 Current Server Time: Sat Aug 31 2024 - 07:01:41 PM CDT
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OHM male Blue Red Black Marble By Kingpetall

  Time Left 231 days 12 hours + Currently $0.00 - No reserve
Started Mon Feb 25 2019 - 12:31:03 AM CDT Starting Price $
Ends Fri Apr 20 2068 - 07:53:57 AM CDT # of Bids 1 (Bid History)
Seller (1/4)   (View All Seller's Auctions or This Category)
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High Bidder Amay (0/0)
Page Views 3869
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fwbettashm3102152037 - OHM male Blue Red Black Marble By Kingpetall

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Bid History:

Bidders Bid Time Bid Comments
Amay (0/0)  Wed Aug 21 2024 - 04:36:03 PM CDT $0.00 

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