JustMe Page For: Chard56
Chard56 Bettas
A warm welcome to all fellow Betta enthusiasts!
My name is Richard Laughery, pronounced (Lock)ery. I've been breeding Bettas and other tropical fish off and on since junior high. That was 47 years ago but the last 7 years I've gotten really serious and strive to offer a Show quality Betta for a fair price and shipping fees that are affordable. I am currently ranked 5th in the IBC standings for the show year 2016/2017.
Photobucket album
I have taken thousands of pictures (some better than others)that you are welcome to look through and enjoy as long as you don't use or borrow them. My pictures are copy written and I have sold many of them. They are NOT to be used without my permission. You may copy and paste this link to peruse my albums: http://s1214.photobucket.com/user/Irchin/library/?sort=6&page=1
Red White and Blue Triband Halfmoon
