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NV22 Female Fancy Purple Rose Tails HM Rare
Item #1713707404

Current Auction Time: Sat Aug 31 21:48:49 2024

Final: $20.00 First Bid $20.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 0 (bid history)
Started Apr 14 2024 - 08:50:04 AM Location Dindang Bangkok 10400 Thailand
Ended Apr 21 2024 - 08:50:04 AM
Auction Closed
Seller Btdmall (107/136) 101-500
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High Bidder No Bids Placed

Payment Visa/Mastercard, See Item Description, Other, PayPal
Shipping Will Ship Internationally See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


International shipping from Thailand to other countries like USA : $5.00 Betta send to the trans-shipper in your country only. Customer need to pay extra fee for import tax, handling charge and local shipping fee to the TS in your country. [ Seller will send paypal Invoice to you after you win the bid on this betta ]

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