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Silverado Red Double Sword Guppy Trio US-bred
Item #1716771003

Current Auction Time: Wed Oct 23 19:40:40 2024

Final: $50.00 First Bid $50.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 0 (bid history)
Started May 19 2024 - 07:50:04 PM Location Savannah GA 31406 United States
Ended May 26 2024 - 07:50:03 PM
Auction Closed
Seller Beverett7 (7/7)
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Shipping Will Ship to Continental United States Only Buyer Pays Actual Shipping Cost, See Item Description

Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


You are bidding on ONE (1) Trio (1 male and 2 females) Silverado Red Double-Sword Guppies which are approximately 3 months of age. These are some of the first of these fish to have ever been offered for sale in the US, to my knowledge. These fish are amazing quality. The parents are imports and the fish for sale were born here in the US. These fish breed true and they breed FAST. As with most livebearers, the females are larger than the males and solid gray in color. I can send videos of my actual breeder fish upon request. Please message me if you're interested. These fish are not fully grown/mature yet so you can be sure you're receiving young fish that will be productive for quite a while. They will be fully mature in another month approximately. The males have great color already and the females are gravid. You have the option of purchasing more than one trio, please message me if you're interested. Price breaks for purchases of multiples. GUARANTEE I only breed and occasionally sell these fish as a hobby. I'm not in this to make money and as such, you can expect to be treated well and with the utmost effort to keep you satisfied. I offer 100% guaranteed live healthy arrival as long as the package arrived within the expected delivery window by the carrier. In the rare event of a DOA, you must contact me within 2 hours of delivery to notify me of a problem. The guarantee is void after 2 hours. When you notify me, you MUST include photos of fish in the original bagging. Refunds will be per DOA and won't include shipping costs. I try to send at least one extra to cover a potential DOA, though a DOA is very rare. If you still received the number of fish you paid for (with the extra making up for a DOA) no refund will be given. Please bring live fish inside as quickly as possible. If you wish for me to put "Hold for Pickup" on the box, please let me know. SHIPPING I only ship on Mondays or Tuesdays. Your orders will ship within 7 days of being placed and I will immediately provide tracking information. Please check the tracking number often so you are able to receive the shipment as soon as it arrives. I only charge actual shipping cost. If the shipping + box + materials is less than what you paid me, I will refund you the difference. I only ship to the contiguous United States. PLEASE NOTE - Due to the high value and rarity of these fish, I will only ship these UPS next day air. If the low temperatures in your area are below 50 degrees, please message me before purchase. TANK PARAMETERS FOR GUPPIES - Note, these are my tank parameters but Guppies are hardy fish and can adjust to other parameters within reason. Guppies LOVE live plants (guppy grass, water lettuce, pearlweed, and many more are great options. The more plants you have, the happier and greater the survival rate of your fry. Temp - 75 Ph - 7.2 GH - 7 KH - 3 FOOD FOR GUPPIES Guppies enjoy a wide variety of foods. Personally, I feed mine Dr. Bassleers Nano fish food, Chlorella Pellets, Live baby brine shrimp, Decapsulated brine shrimp eggs (pearls) repashy gel food, blanched vegetables, and algae wafers.
Added by the Seller on Sun Apr 14 19:34:09 2024:

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