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Guppy grass enough to fill 10 gallon tank!
Item #1713681602

Current Auction Time: Sat Aug 31 20:04:30 2024

Final: $55.00 First Bid $55.00
Time left 00:00 # of Bids 0 (bid history)
Started Apr 14 2024 - 01:40:03 AM Location Mineola NY 11501 United States
Ended Apr 21 2024 - 01:40:02 AM
Auction Closed
Seller Kamikadze (46/46) 10-50
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Seller assumes all responsibility for listing this item. You should contact the seller to resolve any questions before bidding. Currency is U.S. dollars (US$) unless otherwise noted.


Hello, Aquabidders. You will receive an insulated box 11x8x5 or similar to these dimensions filled with packed healthy, robust bunches of guppy grass. I grow my plants with snails (ramshorn, bladder), so expect hitchhikers, although I pick them off before shipping. It can be kept floating or rooted in substrate. If you want guppy grass to be rooted - just let it float and shoot the roots on its own. If you try to place it in substrate right away, the plant will decay. Thank you!

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