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Bidding Violations

Are you aware of any violations involving buying practices? File a complaint for these types of violations by clicking here. All circumstances and related information, as well as the user’s transaction history and rating profile, are taken into consideration prior to implementing disciplinary action against confirmed violators; which may include, but is not limited to, temporary account suspension or permanent account termination.

* Auction Interference: Communicating with other users during an auction to caution them to avoid transactions with a certain Seller or the items they are auctioning.
* Bid Interception: Communicating with other users during an auction to offer them a lower price for the same or similar item that is being auctioned when you are not listed to auction in that auction or you have not validly listed your items on
* Bid Sheltering: Using other registered users or an alternate User ID to bid the price up to an exorbitant price for an item in an auction, in an effort to shelter or hide the low bid price of the third party bidder. This is done to attempt to purchase an item for a low price, without competition, then the other bidders involved retract their bids. (Bid retraction is absolutely prohibited in any Live Auction).
* Posting Bids for an Item When the Seller has Opted to Refrain From Transacting Business With the Buyer: Registered Sellers have a choice on who they will transact business with before they go to auction. Sellers also have the right to decline any bid for their items if the bid has not met their minimum requirement, and they are only obligated to accept a winning bid before ending their auction if there is a bid that meets their minimum bid requirement. If a Buyer continues to contact the Seller after being notified that the Seller does not want to conduct business, the Seller should email a warning with the issue clearly defined in the subject line of the email, and a carbon copy to Any contact that is made by the Buyer following the warning will constitute account suspension for the violating Buyer by
* Breach of Sale: This occurs when the Seller of an item has accepted a bid as the winning bid for an auction, ending the auction, and the winning Buyer fails to complete the transaction with the Seller. This not only could lead to loss of profit for the Seller, but also loss of opportunity for the other bidders in the original auction. Sellers are also capable of committing Breach of Sale by failing to complete an agreed upon transaction with a buyer. Click here to view our Breach of Sale Policy.

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