- How to Ship Live Fish?
Here are some articles on how to ship live fish.
Shipping Live Fish by Christ...
- What are the regulations for selling via the USPS?
Animals - General Requirements
Small, Harmless, Cold-Blooded Animals
- How Do I Post an Item?
Posting your items for sale here at this auction is both free and easy. Simply...
- How much does it cost to post an auction?
Nothing! You can post an auction for free. There are no fees.
After an auctio...
- What about dutch auctions?
There are no dutch auctions. The rule is you can have two of the same auctions w...
- How do I delete an auction?
Auctions can be deleted by the seller if no bids have been placed on the auction...
- How do I edit/modify an auction?
A seller can modify an auction at anytime. The seller can go to the auction item...
- Illegal Aquatic Species
Some states prohibit the movement, sale and/or distribution of various aquatic s...
- How do I create a thumbnail for my auction?
You don't have to. If you upload your image to, will cre...
- Are you allowed to post an auction with fighting fish?
You are allowed to sell bettas (fighting fish) but any reference to using bettas...
- What if I can't reach my winning buyer?
Like you, Buyers can have emergencies, illnesses, or computer problems. Check yo...
- How do I create a one hour auction?
When you are setting up your auction, the seller sets the length of your auction...